Monday, 26 November 2012

Even Santa receives letters...from Omar Khans!

'It's here! It's here!' Cried the Elf, he ran into the workshop waving an envelope. It had finally arrived, sent first class and everything. The work Christmas party invites had come back from the printers. The Elf ripped oepn the envelope and started passing round the invites. The invites had a menu printed on either side and little tick boxes, the Elves had to return them to Santa within a week to ensure Omar Khans knew who was having what. They could just order when they got there, but Elves love to be organised/

The Christmas menus had a wide variety of choice with lamb, chicken, veg, prawn or king prawn, there was all the popular dishes you could ask for. The other menu was a banquet style so if you wanted to you could be more adventurous. 'Oh I can't decide' shouted one of the Elves. 'Can I have it all?' asked another. The selection of food was making the Elves so happy they wondered if they could go down sooner. But Santa said they could not stop work now, there were lots more letters to get through. 'I'm sure I received one from Omar the other day...'

So if Santa is thinking of going to Omar Khans for his Christmas party then it must be good, right? Remember were in Bradford and Skipton so if you book in good time we can accommodate you, maybe you'll be sat next to Santa's table?

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