Thursday, 1 December 2011

Festive Facts

Young or old we all love it, millions celebrate it all over the world and have for thousands of years in varied, diverse and ever evolving ways- but how much do YOU know about Christmas and how Omar Khans are offering an exciting and truly fresh way to make this years the best Christmas in Bradford & Skipton ever?
*In the early Christian world Christmas was actually celebrated on the 6th of January, indeed in Armenia it still is. I guess you don’t have to worry too much about sending Christmas cards out late to any Armenian friends! However do make sure you don’t miss out on the three fantastic Christmas menus featuring the best Indian cuisine Omar Khans has to offer this Christmas. Something deliciously different for anyone tiring of turkey sandwiches this festive season!
*The tradition of decorating the home with a Christmas tree originated in Germany in the 18th century though like many Christmas customs it is thought to have pagan origins. As well as offering the opportunity to enjoy something different for Christmas dinner we also offer the chance to kick back with your work mates after a year of hard graft and let us provide an office Christmas party you won’t forget.
*The first commercial Christmas card was produced by Sir Henry Cole in London in 1845. If you want your own unique “festive first” we are currently taking bookings for Christmas parties, office parties or family booking. So to avoid disappointment book early and reserve your table today and experience Christmas in a totally new way only at Omar Khan’s Bradford & Skipton.

Blog direct from the Santa!

Ho ho ho Santa here! Thought I’d try out a bit of this blogging lark now we’ve got broadband here at the North Pole. It’s great! We have Elves manning the twitter feed - oh! Mrs Claus just nudged me and told me to get to the point- and the point seems to be that food lovers in Bradford and Skipton must have been very good boys and girls this year indeed! Even in the Arctic Circle we know about the top class Asian grub at Omar Khans and we’re excited to hear that it’s THE place to be for Christmas dinner this year!
Just looking over the three Christmas Menus available is making my belly rumble. Much as I love scoffing on Turkey and Christmas Cake I’m always looking for new ways to enjoy the season I love and the best in Indian food made with the finest ingredients sounds so good I might even hold back on the mince pies when I’m doing my rounds on Christmas Eve! With set meals from £14.50 you won’t find a better value Christmas dinner in Bradford.
So put a Christmas Dinner or Christmas day lunch at Omar Khans at the TOP of your Christmas list in 2011 by booking today to avoid disappointment. Trust me they’ll be stampeding like my reindeers for this top quality package of food and the best non-elf customer service around, so don’t get left behind.

Try Something new!

It can be easy to get stuck in your ways; sitting in the same sofa every night, wearing the same lucky scarf or buying the usual round of drinks at the pub and so on.. it can be the same with slaving over the same traditional Christmas dinner year in year out. I mean come on do you really love sprouts that much? Take a leap into uncharted festive territory and discover Omar Khans the place to be for Christmas in Bradford & Skipton.
Our Christmas menu recipes are like pulling a Christmas cracker- surprising and delightful. Because Christmas is really all about those unexpected magical moments- remember being a kid and running downstairs not knowing what would be in your bulging stocking? Experiencing a Christmas dinner or Christmas lunch with the best in Asian food at Omar Khans for the first time will give you the same feeling of experiencing a new kind of festive joy, only with a bulging and satisfied stomach instead.
Who knows you might even make it a new Christmas tradition for you and your family! Do make sure you get your Christmas bookings in early though because we wouldn’t want any discerning food lover in Bradford and Skipton to miss out!